Monday’s Friend: Calisa Rhose

Today I’m interviewing romance writer Calisa Rhose on my blog. Welcome, Calisa.

Hi! I’m Calisa Rhose. What a thrill to be here today. Thank you for inviting me to your lovely blog, Sara Jayne.

SJT: When did you first know you were destined to be a writer?

CR:  I’ve been writing since I was around twelve years old. I started with poems and by the time I was fifteen I had begun writing love stories. I’ve dreamed of getting published since I was twelve or so and discovered my gramma’s Harlequin medicals.

 SJT:  Who would you cite as your influences?

Risk Factors300dpiCR:  Hm That’s a hard question because I don’t think I really have any influences as far as writing goes. But I took a lot of years off writing to raise my girls and when I came back I discovered authors like Nora Roberts and some lesser known romance authors at the time, Bronwyn Jameson and Emily Rose to name a couple, who gave me the courage to finally jump in with both feet and submit my first book in 2005.

 SJT:  What advice would you pass on to beginner writers that you wish someone had told you when you were first starting out?

CR:  It’s a long hard road but if you keep writing, reading and most of, for me, learning the craft it helps get over those rough spots. One thing I can say (slipping on my editor’s hat here) is if a writer–no matter where you are in your journey–will work hard to really edit and polish a manuscript (bleed all over it if necessary) BEFORE you submit, the less you’ll find in edits when you do send your baby in.

 SJT:  Are you at meticulous planner or a seat-of-the-pantser?

CR:  I’m a pantser for the most part, though there are times when planning out helps too. I rarely plot and when I do, I rarely follow the plan–but there are those times when it does help. J

SJT:  What is it about romance that draws you to write it?

CR:  Love, romance, the happy ever after. We know in real life a HEA is not always the case, but in my books I KNOW it will come. The journey is the best part. The trials, learning curves and growth of my characters is something I enjoy crafting and watching develop.

 SJT:  What was the inspiration behind your forthcoming release RISK FACTOR?

CR:  Haha That’s a funny story. My critique partner, Melinda Pierce challenged the whole group to write something, anything, for HQN/M&B’s Medical Fast Track Initiative in 2010. I don’t write medical but decided to accept her challenge, sure they would reject me on chapter one. I made it through to requested revisions, 8 months of them, before I decided in August 2011 that maybe M&B wasn’t the place for this particular story, and I should submit it somewhere else. That new place was Lyrical Press in Feb. 2012 when Editor In Chief Piper Denna did a blog pitch. She requested the full and then offered a contract in June that same year.

 SJT:  Are you ever inspired to put people you know in real life in your books?

Andee_Austin Taylor-5-24-12_resizeCR:  There is this one pediatric orthopedic specialist who treated my granddaughter, Andee’s arm when she broke it last year whom I would love to put in a book. I might change his profession, but his name and looks are what romance heroes are made of; Austin Taylor–I even warned him it could happen. LOL Other than that, I haven’t been tempted to put real people in my books as such. All people I meet inspire every character in some way though.

 SJT:  What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

CR:  I have an old horse and we’ll go riding in warmer weather. Year round I love to spend time with family. I also read when I can. I like to sew and craft too.

Thanks again for having me, Sara Jayne!

I’d like to ask your readers what they would like to see in a book? Who knows, if someone gives me a great and unusual idea it might turn up in a plotline sometime soon. 🙂


Calisa Rhose is an Okie, born and bred, through and through, and proud of it. While growing up, when she wasn’t on the back of a horse, she could be found with pen and paper in hand. Her writing career began with poetry in her younger days. Then she discovered Rock-n-Roll and cute musicians. Poetry turned into stories of romance and dreams. These days she lives with the same man who convinced her to take a romantic journey with him almost 30 years ago. After raising three strong daughters she spends her days loving their granddaughters, hoping for a boy someday, and writing. When she’s not writing, you can find Calisa putting on her editor hat and working to help other published and aspiring writers.

She is working on more projects with her favored contemporary cowboys, first responders  and firemen. She plans to have some paranormal stories on the way to publication soon, as well (under a pen name tba).

Find out more about Calisa at her website, and you can also find her on Goodreads, Amazon, Facebook and on Twitter (@CalisaRhose)

21 comments so far

  1. Calisa Rhose on

    Thanks for having me, Sara Jayne! I’m excited to finally get to share this book which means so much to me. 🙂

  2. sandylrowland on

    Love you Calisa! I make an effort to plot, but the characters always take it out of my hands. Best success to you, Sweety!

    • Calisa Rhose on

      Isn’t that the way it goes, Sandy? Love ya back girl!

  3. ChristineWarner on

    Nice interview ladies! I’m so excited for your release Calisa…it’ll be here soon! Congrats 🙂

    • Calisa Rhose on

      Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, Christine! 😀

  4. Alicia Dean on

    Love the interview. Congratulations on the upcoming release!

  5. vintagevonnie on

    Oh, Calisa, to be in one of your books would be a thrill. Think of it: a goofy, passionate, out-spoken grandma. Ladies, I’ve had the privilege of an advance reading of this story. Don’t miss out!!! You will smile and sigh most of the way through it, well, except for when…

    • Calisa Rhose on

      LOLOLOL Oh, how you make me laugh! Vonnie, don’t be surprised if you do make it into one of my books! I adore you! Except for when… 🙂

  6. Ally Broadfield on

    Lovely interview, ladies. I had the chance to beta read this book and highly recommend it!

    • Calisa Rhose on

      Thank you, Ally. I was so appreciative that you read it, and honored you like it.

  7. Niecey Roy-RomanceAuthor on

    Can’t wait to read this book, Calisa 🙂 My husband’s parents have horses. I can’t bring myself to get on one. Once, when I was in high school I dated this guy who was a Nebraskan good ole country boy. Hot! But he rode horses and I did not. One day he got me up on one…it was a mess. ha ha!!! I am hoping someday I’ll figure out how to be “in tune” with those beautiful animals. I should take riding lessons, but I’m not sure my heels will fit in the stirrups, ha ha!!!

    • Calisa Rhose on

      You need to get up on my old man, Sonny, Niecey. My 8yo granddaughter first learned to ride on him when she was just three. Now if you ask her, he’s her horse and she lets me ride him…and feed, water and pay all other costs. LOL Take a picture for posterity when you do finally ride.

  8. maccrowne on

    Oh, I’m so excited to read Risk Factors. And have I told you how rocking that cover is?

    By the way, I climbed onto the back of a horse for the first time in over thirty years a couple weeks ago and scared the crap out of myself. I love Larry the horse, but I think I’ll be looking him in the eye from now on, instead of at the back of his head. 😉

    • Calisa Rhose on

      I’m sure Larry enjoyed having you up there, Mac! LOL I LOVE my cover! Thanks for visiting.

  9. Mae Clair on

    Great interview! I’m not much for plotting either, although I’m beginning to see the benefit of having some bare-bones story structure before starting a new WIP. Hey, the name of the ortheopedic specialist has romance hero written all over it. Good call!

    As for what I’d like to see in a book. I love when the romance is balanced with a bit of mystery. Any mystery. The two weave together so well.

    Looking forward to RISK FACTORS and wishing you lots of success!

    • Calisa Rhose on

      My idea of plotting is to sit with pen and paper and let the characters tell me what I need to start. Names, GMC (sometimes I have to drag that outta them) and their physical descriptions are often all I have to start with. Sometimes the title will come before anything else.

      Oh, Mae–Austin was so nice! Cute and child-friendly! My granddaughter loved him. 🙂 Did you see his pic up there? ^ Yummy.

  10. Cait on

    I love the sound of Risk Factors, sounds right up my alley and is going on my TBR list — can’t wait for the release — congrats Calisa!

  11. Calisa Rhose on

    Thanks for having me, Sara-Jayne! I’ve enjoyed today immensely.

    • sayssara on

      Glad to have you, Calisa! Wishing you many sales on the new release!

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