Monday’s Friend: Christina Weigand

Today I am interviewing MUI author Christina Weigand to the blog, in reciprocation for the visit she allowed me to pay to her own blog earlier this year.  Welcome, Christina.

SJT:  All writers are readers.  Who are your influences?

CW:  God, my faith. Other writers like Bryan Davis, Wayne Thomas Baston, Donita K. Paul, Darlene Reilley, Mariana Thorn and Sarah Jayne Carr to name a few.

SJT:  What advice would you pass on to beginner writers that you wish someone had told you when you were first starting out?

CW:  If it is your passion then keep on writing. Don’t let others convince you that you’re not good enough or that you should be doing something else. Write because you want to write, because that’s what you do. Don’t write to become rich and don’t write what everyone else says you should be writing. Writing what your heart and soul lead you to write.

SJT:  Tell us about your latest release.

Sanctuary of Nine Dragons (1)CW:  Joachim banishes Brandan to prison island of Hyogo. His infant son, Prince Airyn disappears from his cradle. A chain of events is set in motion that will pit brother against brother, friend against friend, parents against children as Brandan and Joachim struggle for control of their sanity and their very lives.

With Brandan declared dead and his son missing Joachim sinks into despair and anger, where those close to him fear he may never return.

Is Brandan really dead and if he is, who is manipulating the Mantion and enemies of Crato?

Can Maeve save her country and her husband from the tentacles of evil pervading the land?

SJT:  Have you ever been inspired to put people you know in real life in your books?

CW:  That’s hard to answer.  I don’t set out to put a particular person or people in my books. But, being a person myself I can’t help but be influenced by the people that come into my life. So I am sure that someone might see themselves in one of my books but it was never my intention to put them there.

SJT:  When it comes to your writing projects, would you describe yourself as a meticulous planner, or a ‘seat-of-the-pantser’?

CW:  Seat-of-the-pantser.

 SJT:  What are you writing at the moment?

CW:  I have a couple of projects in the pipeline and I have been waiting for one to jump to the head of the pack. The story that seems to be in the lead  will contain dragons and continue to explore young people’s faith or lack of it as a young man will confront the trials of life and have to decide what to believe.


Christina Weigand is a writer, wife, and mother of three grown children and a middle school daughter. She is also Nana to three granddaughters. She lives with her husband and youngest daughter in Pennsylvania, returning there after a short sabbatical in Washington. Currently, she’s working on fantasy novels and inspirational writing. Through her writing, she strives to share the Word of God and help people young and old to realize the love and mercy He has for everyone.

When she’s not writing, she’s active in her local Church as a lector, Bible Study, or with the church theater group, volunteering at her daughter’s school helping the children develop a love for reading and writing. Jesus fills her home with love as she shares Him through her writing.

Find Christina on Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter and Facebook, or visit her blog.

5 comments so far

  1. Jim Crofoot on

    Your book sounds very interesting. I also agree with the being a writer part, sometimes there’s just these ideas in your head you have to put in writing. Good luck!

  2. Helena Fairfax on

    I love the premise of your book, Chris. And that’s great advice to aspiring writers. Good luck with your writing projects!

  3. […] I stopped by Sarah Jayne Townsend’s blog yesterday to talk about Sanctuary of Nine Dragons and writing. Stop by and check it out. Here is the link: […]

  4. Janet Glaser on

    Isn’t it great to be a writer and spend time dreaming up these fun stories? Not many people can spend an afternoon with dragons! Best Wishes, Chris!

  5. chrisweigand on

    Thank you Sarah for letting me visit.

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